Cindy performing a dental cleaning on a patient. We also have the ability to take dental X-rays and perform extractions if needed. All of our dental patients are kept on anesthesia monitors to ensure their safety during their dentistry.

Dr. Neuhoff performing an eye examination with a slit lamp, a specialized ophthalmoscope. Dr. Neuhoff performs more than 500 eye examinations every year.

Dr. Neuhoff is a very experienced surgeon, capable of performing many specialized surgeries such as ACL surgeries, abdominal surgeries, cancer surgeries and eye surgeries.

Our receptionists are always willing to help you and your pets.

We have a dedicated cat room and encourage your kitties to explore the room, eat treats and make themselves feel comfortable.

Ireland Animal Clinic is equipped with specialized instruments such as this fluoroscope used to take live X-rays to help with procedures such as aligning broken bones. We also have ultrasound and an operating microscope.

Our x-ray machine is used to take x-rays of legs to check for broken bones or injuries.

Dr. Neuhoff is board certified in canine and feline practice and has received numerous local and national awards.

The Ireland Animal Clinic team is happy to take care of you and your pets.

Emily helps with a patient on our lift table. The table goes from 4 inches off of the floor to any height and makes it easy for us to examine your large dog without the stress of trying to lift him onto a table.